Russian Orthodox Church Art
There are about 300 icons of XVI - early XX centuries in the museum's collection. It has been represented by the XVI-XVIII centuries canonical icons of the major Icon Painting schools of central Russia (Moscow, Novgorod, Yaroslavl), as well as by the unique local schools of the late XIX - early XX centuries (Suzun icon painting school and Altai Old Believers icon painter Balykin V.F.).
The collection of Russian copper casting art in the museum numbers about 250 exhibits. The core of the collection is smaller-size classical objects: crosses, icons, foldings. They are diverse in depict scenes and decoration, and demonstrate the art of high quality Russian cooper casting. The simplicity of its technology as well as wide availability, small sizes, beauty and relative low-cost of production made it very popular and well respected among the nation.
There are 29 rare books in the museum's collection. These are manuscripts and early printed books, including the unique examples of XVI - early XX centuries: a handwritten singing book; Incunabula: The gospels 1600 A.D. (reprint of the P.T. Mstislavets gospels, 1575); "Lives of the Saints by Metropolitan Demetrius of Rostov (September, October, November)," 1852; "Breviary", 1876 ; "Octoy and Stichera on Sunday Vespers", 1913 - the singing book, which text is accompanied by special musical writing symbols - "signs" or "hooks".